Mapping Magnetic Anomaly Fields
for Safer Navigation

a STEM Activity

Evelyn J. Boettcher



  • Why is a magnetic anomaly map needed
  • What is magnetic anomaly
  • How are magnetic maps a made, now
  • How students will contribute
    • Targeted grades 8th-10th
  • What students gain:
    • Real experience
    • Scientific contributor
    • Science mentors near their age
    • Intergrated knowledge
  • How to be involved

NASA (1976)

Why are
Magnetic anomaly Map needed

Why are
Magnetic anomaly Map needed

For the DoD

Navigation via magnetic maps solves one of the four critical capability gaps identified by Air Mobility Command ( 2023)

Why are
Magnetic anomaly Map needed


Why are
Magnetic anomaly Map needed


(DALL-E (2023))

(DALL-E (2023))

GPS is not Always Reliable

It is too easy for bad actors (aka Pirates) to spoof GPS signals to divert cargo ships or airplanes. There are growing concerns that the shipping industry is vulnerable to GPS spoofing (Lo (2019))

GPS spoofing has the real risk of keeping ships at sea longer than necessary, or even causing ships to collide.

These same concerns are amplified in the aviation industry.

In addition, planes to worry about being tricked into flying into dangerous no fly zones.

GPS: Proceed for 10 more miles

GPS:Proceed for 10 more miles (Choksi (2016))

Magetic Anomaly Maps

Can Validate GPS Signals

Can be used for Non GPS Navigation

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Endo (n.d.)

Earth’s Magnetic Field

NASA (1976)

  • Earth Field: 25,000nT - 65,000nT (nanotesla)
  • MRI’s: 1 Tesla = 1,000,000,000 nT

NOAA (2020)

Magnetic anomaly

The Earth’s Magnetic Field has variations do to field locked in it’s crust.

  • These fields change very slowly
    • Geologic Timescale (~20,000 year time scale)

USGS (2002)

Magnetic anomaly

NASA (1976)

USGS (2002)

Magnetic Fields

  • Earth Field: 25,000nT - 65,000nT (nanotesla)
  • Bar Magnet = 1,000,000nT (200X Earth Field)
  • MRI’s: 1 Tesla (40,000X Earths Field)

Magnetic Anomaly

  • \(\pm\) 500nT

Anomaly is much,
much smaller!

Why make another map

USGS (2002)

Why make another map

Current maps are low resolution.

Need higher resolutions for navigation

Why Higher Resolutions

Can you use this map to drive to the grocery store?

Google_Maps (n.d.)

USGS (2002)

How a Magnetic Maps are Made Now

Maps are made using special equipped planes.

  • It is a slow process and
  • Data needs to be cleaned to remove the
    plane’s magnetic field.

Nielsen (2023)

Vaughn (2021)

DALL-E (2023)



Party Balloons!

Why Party Balloons:

  • Weather Balloon = $100-$200
  • Party Balloon = $2

Electronics Needed

  • Power Source: Solar panel
  • Location and Data Transmission: LoraWan
  • Magnetic Sensor: PNI

Tan (2022)

How Far can a balloon go?

Pico balloons can circumnavigate the world several times

Brown (2020)

Now Back to the STEM

Why do Students have
low STEM interest

Many students do not see the value nor the purpose of a STEM education.

Why no interest?

  • STEM activities tend to be focused on a single aspect of a scientific field.
    • Students do not shout out Eureka after seeing how many pennies an aluminum boat can hold. They simply record the number of pennies and wonder how this knowledge is useful in the real world.

  • Few opportunities for students to see how scientists do experiments to make the world better.
  • Few interactions with Scientist, especially in lower income brackets,
    • One needs role models to help one visualize that this career can be for them.
  • Don’t see how one can make a living doing science.

STEM Magnetic Mapping

This STEM project is designed to address these issues.

It involves multiple fields of science and engineering:

  • Earth Science,
  • Physical Science and
  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Integrated into a single project for students grades eighth through tenth.

USGS (2002)

Tan (2022)

Earth and Physical Science:

Altitude, Density & Temperature

To launch a balloon, students need to calculate how much to fill a balloon and how many they might need.

This activity ties in: Temperature, Density and Pressure.

It helps make the information releated in the images below real.

NOAA (2023) Temp and Altitude

NOAA (2023) Pressure and Altitude

NOAA (2023)
Number of Molecules and Altitude

Balloon Activity

Gedanken Questions with Impact on their Sucess

Now they have to tie in changes in density and pressure to the charts and tables.


  • How many 36” party balloons do you need?
  • How much do you fill the balloon
    • Why are you filling it up no more than a 1/3?
  • How much lift do you need?
Altitude (m) Density
0 100
5,000 60
10,000 33.6

Tan (2022)

Raw Data

Magnetic Mapping Flow

How to be involved

  • Looking for partners to:
    • Evaluate kits 2024-2025
  • Pointers to grants.


Evelyn J. Boettcher

Magnetic anomaly Mapping for Safer Navigation


Brown, Bill. 2020. “Send an Amateur Radio Balloon Around the World.” 2020.
Choksi, Nishant. 2016. “Death by GPS.” The Guardian. 2016.
DALL-E, Evelyn J. Boettcher. 2023. “Dall-e Generated Image Through Prompts.” 2023.
Endo, K. n.d.
Google_Maps. n.d.
Lo, Chris. 2019. ‘Ship Navigation Risks: Defining the Threat of GPS Spoofing.’ Ship Technology. 2019.
NASA. 1976. 1976.
Nielsen, Aaron. 2023. 2023.
NOAA. 2020. 2020.
———. 2023. “Layers of the Atmosphere.” NOAA. 2023.
Tan, Mustafa. 2022. “Tips and Tricks for Pico Ballons.” 2022.
USGS. 2002. 2002.
Vaughn, Stacy. 2021. 2021.